Friday, 8 March 2013

National Front of Australia

The National Front of Australia was an Australia nationalist and anti-immigrant organisation that existed from 1977 to 1984. It was an initiative of John Tyndall of the British National Front but received no funding from the British NF. It has recently been revived by the New Zealand National Front. The NFA was established originally in 1977 as a sister organisation of the British National Front; sister organizations were also formed in New Zealand and South Africa at the same time. It did not become fully operative until 1978. It followed Tyndall's British imperial view and called for a “regenerated British Australia”. Like the sister organisations it sought to align itself with other right-wing and racist groups, however its British Australia nationalism and anti-immigrant stance separated it from the more Europeanist/Americanist 'white race' neo-Nazi far-right that was emerging in Australia, many of whose members were themselves immigrants rather than of British origin.